Saturday, January 19, 2013

Commentary on Sandy Hook School Shootings

It has happened again. Another senseless tragedy conducted by a lone, deranged gunman against an innocent population. Sandy Hook will be another formerly unknown, small, and I’m sure locally-loved school, that now forever will be known for horror instead of the place of learning that stood for years. Our prayers go out to the community, and especially the parents of those children and families of the adults. One person should not be able to achieve this much carnage. I know this is a very general statement to make, but I firmly believe it is true. As of this writing, formal reports are not available on exactly what happened that fateful day last December, but we do know this: One lunatic with a gun, shot and killed too many people when compared to the number that were wounded. Every time I see this skewed statistic, we know one of two things were true. Since there should always be more wounded than killed in mass shootings given it is harder to kill than wound, either the target environment was too easy or the shooter possessed a very high level of tactical skill. Rarely is the latter the case. It is imperative that we inform and train the population in how they can become a very difficult target when a madman has made contact. The standard training received around the country that limits response to securing-in-place and waiting for the police has to be addressed. This has been an on-going discussion for over 10 years, but time for talk is over. To our detractors and naysayers who wish to limit the information and options given to our citizens prior to them finding themselves involved in a man-made disaster, it’s time to put up or shut up. If you don’t like our recommendations, which reflect on our God-given natural options, then provide alternatives. Just saying no is not a recommendation. It is a cop out and a dereliction of duty, especially when you desire to call yourself the expert and want people to listen to what you have to say. Stop telling our citizens what they can’t do, and advise them of what they can do to increase their survival odds when confronting a determined killer. Citizens’ helping themselves is the way to mitigate these disasters. In most cases, it will be the only way.

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